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The German-Dutch Youth Fund (Dutch-German Youth Fund), registered association, was founded in 1993/1994 as a non profit association with the participation of Dutch and German personalities and institutions. This was occasionally prompted by the so-called “Clingendael Study“, which revealed a sometimes difficult relationship between young people from Germany and the Netherlands in the early 1990s.



Since its foundation, the Youth Work has been committed to promoting mutual understanding and reducing prejudices. The projects are aimed in particular at pupils, students, apprentices; working young people and children (from e.g. kindergartens, primary schools) from the two countries.


The association is largely supported by Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Aachen.

Jugend fördern


The social and cultural contacts between the two countries form the backbone of successful and long term economic relations, whereby the different characteristics of the two nations complement each other and harness untapped potential. Borders are becoming less important and global exchange is becoming more and more intensive. Global competition and structural change are also generating pressure to adapt in Germany and the Netherlands. Young people in particular today need to be flexible, mobile and internationally oriented in order to be successful at least in the open European labour market. What could be more obvious than adapting to the labour market requirements of the neighbouring country ? 

The aim of the funding group is therefore to promote the qualification of young people in order to give them the opportunity to make the most of the opportunities offered by the German and Dutch labour and training markets. The focus is on intercultural learning improving language skills and cooperation skills. A skilled, multilingual and intercultural workforce can strengthen the attractiveness of the Maas-Rhine Euregio and its position in Europe. If companies in the region are able to use this workforce in a targeted way for business purposes, they gain competitive advantages and economic success.


In the spirit of the European Union, which seeks a „citizens`Europe“ in which people get to know each other and learn to understand and respect their differences, the Circle organises, initiates or subsidises  measures designed to awaken and promote an understanding of the living conditions, culture and the economic, political and social environment of each other through encounters between the young people of the two countries. Therefore, activities have been carried out or supported, such as:

The European Union attaches great importance to the pursuit of integration and to the reduction of economic and social fragmentation due to national borders. Thus, the German-Dutch Youth Agency strives to focus its work on overcoming the labour market or training barriers in order to open up the labour market and training opportunities in Europe to young people in particular. Promoting young people`s intercultural and linguistic skills is a priority. Various activities support this objective.


Unfortunately, physical exchanges between young people are still not possible due to the pandemic.The DNJW is therefore working in cooperation with interested parties on digital exchange formats, which can also be used later to establish cross-border contacts or as a first approach for future follow-up projects in physical exchange.


COME TOGETHER goes Fotomuseum Maastricht

Im August 2021 wurden einige Foto-Beiträge der Mitmachaktion „COME TOGETHER – grenzenlos kreativ“ in der Selfie-Ausstellung „Me, Myself and I“ im Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht ausgestellt. Hier einige Fotos und ein kurzer Film


Youth (Girls) Online

Cross-border meeting day „Youth (girls) online“ We read about it in the newspapers and see it on TV, but you probably also notice it in your own environment: children and young people feel and felt


COME TOGETHER- grenzenlos kreativ

Countering the pandemic with creativity: New initiative of the German-Dutch Youth Office: Getting an idea of the Corona pandemic: There have been plenty of opportunities for this in recent months. But how do young people



Do you already know what you want to do after your studies / apprenticeship? Find out what jobs Euregio has to offer you! #Kijk welke banen er zijn in de Euregio! #Euregionaljobfair…/euregionale-jobfair-21…/ Download Flyer



The funding group is financed exclusively from donations. Therefore, projects can only be supported within the current financial framework.

In principle, eligible measures and projects include projects between the German and Dutch youth. These include: 

In order to be eligible for funding, the following conditions must be met:




Here you can download the flyer.

application form

Here you can download the application form.

Are you looking for a partnerschool in the Netherlands or Germany? We can help! Our friends from ‚Actiegroep Duits‘ made, a website where schools can find an exchange partner in either country. Found an exchange partner? Toll! Don’t forget about us though, because in most cases we can subsidise these exchanges.