COME TOGETHER goes Fotomuseum Maastricht
Im August 2021 wurden einige Foto-Beiträge der Mitmachaktion „COME TOGETHER – grenzenlos kreativ“ in der Selfie-Ausstellung „Me, Myself and I“ im Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht ausgestellt. Hier einige Fotos und ein kurzer Film aus der Ausstellung.
COME TOGETHER- grenzenlos kreativ- Results
Aisha Angelina-Haustiere- Mein Halt in Corona Angelina – Haustiere – Mein Halt in Corona (1) Angelina – Haustiere – Mein Halt in Corona (2) Angelina – Haustiere – Mein Halt in Corona (3) Angelina – Haustiere – Mein Halt in Corona (4) Angelina – Haustiere – Mein Halt in Corona (5) Angelina – Haustiere – […]
Survivors: Faces of Life after the Holocaust
The exhibition „Survivors“ will take place from 5.September.2021 – 20.February. 2022 at the Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof in the Netherlands. As can already be seen in the title of the event, it is about survivors,survivors of the Holocaust who survived the Second World War and the loss of love, family, community or home.These survivors […]
Youth (Girls) Online

Cross-border meeting day „Youth (girls) online“ We read about it in the newspapers and see it on TV, but you probably also notice it in your own environment: children and young people feel and felt severely restricted by the corona crisis. Forced to face their fears, insecurities, and worries about the future from their home […]
COME TOGETHER- grenzenlos kreativ

Countering the pandemic with creativity: New initiative of the German-Dutch Youth Office: Getting an idea of the Corona pandemic: There have been plenty of opportunities for this in recent months. But how do young people experience this time, which for them means, above all, the restriction of personal freedom and development? This is where the […]
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